Zoopedia: Lord Howe Island Stick Insect

On Lord Howe Island off the coast of Australia there was a large stick insect so big that it was nicknamed the ‘tree lobster’ until there was a catastrophic ecological disaster. In 1918 SS Makambo shipwrecked on the island unleashing stowaway rats onto the island who rapidly consumed the stick insects. A 1920 survey foundContinue reading “Zoopedia: Lord Howe Island Stick Insect”

Zoopedia: Tuatara

Welcome back to our theme for November looking at Lazarus taxons and so-called ‘Living Fossils’. This week we’re looking at the tuatara. Despite looking like a lizard the tuatara actually is the last remaining member of a different branch of reptiles called the rhynchocephalians. Taxonomy and Evolution Despite being called a ‘living fossil’ tuataras areContinue reading “Zoopedia: Tuatara”

Zoopedia: Coelacanths

A trawler off the coast of South Africa in 1938 caught something amazing – a fish that seemed to come straight from the fossil record. This prehistoric-looking fish was the coelacanth, often described as a ‘living fossil’ due to the resemblance they had with long-extinct fish although it is more accurate to call them aContinue reading “Zoopedia: Coelacanths”

Zoopedia: Japanese spider crab

Welcome back to 2023’s Month of Horror and we’re beginning this post with a bit of a story. As a young child my grandparents took me to the SeaLife Centre in Scarborough because of my love of animals. Young me and my younger brother saw a monster and became terrified so my grandparents had toContinue reading “Zoopedia: Japanese spider crab”

Zoopedia: Aye-Aye

Welcome back to 2023’s Month of Horror and this week’s Zoopedia which simultaneously looks demonic and cute: the aye-aye. In its native Madagascar it is sometimes seen as a harbinger of death, but this is far from the actual biology of this strange primate. Taxonomy and Evolution Despite its appearance the aye-aye is one ofContinue reading “Zoopedia: Aye-Aye”

Zoopedia: Black widow spiders

It is time for our first Zoopedia of 2023’s Month of Horror and we’re looking at one of the most infamous arachnids on the planet: the black widow spider. Actually over thirty species we’ll be looking at three today: the southern, western, and northern. They are also famed for the females cannibalising the males, butContinue reading “Zoopedia: Black widow spiders”

Zoopedia: Leafy Seadragon

On the south coast of Australia water dragons live among the aquatic plants, except these dragons are actually a species of seahorse. There are three species of seadragon and today we’re looking at the most spectacular: the leafy seadragon. Taxonomy and Evolution The leafy seadragon is the only member of its genus having the scientificContinue reading “Zoopedia: Leafy Seadragon”

Zoopedia: Red Kangaroo

The red kangaroo is not only the largest living mammal in Australia but it is also one of Australia’s most iconic mammals with it even being on the coat of arms for Australia. This iconic marsupial is also a pest in many parts of Australia as they have a habit of raiding farms and smashingContinue reading “Zoopedia: Red Kangaroo”

Zoopedia: Saltwater Crocodile

The largest living reptile on the planet today we’re looking at the saltwater crocodile. Their size and diet means they are famous for being ‘man-eaters’ although that did not stop my childhood hero Steve Irwin from wrestling them like the legend he was. In all seriousness, saltwater crocodiles can be incredibly dangerous, so if you’reContinue reading “Zoopedia: Saltwater Crocodile”

Zoopedia: Ostriches

The tallest and largest birds in the world this week we are looking at ostriches. Originally thought to be just one species, since 2014 one of the subspecies was reclassified as a separate species now known as the Somali ostrich. We’ll be looking at both species today, and will look at how these giant birdsContinue reading “Zoopedia: Ostriches”

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