Zoopedia: Atlantic sea nettle

Floating through the ocean Atlantic sea nettles make an almost ghostly sight. These eerie yet beautiful creatures make up an important part of their ecosystems by providing food for larger animals and eating the organisms which provide food for the rest of the food web. Taxonomy and Evolution In 2017 the Atlantic sea nettle wasContinue reading “Zoopedia: Atlantic sea nettle”

Zoopedia: Japanese rhinoceros beetle

One of the most popular pets in Japan is not a cat or a dog, but the Japanese rhinoceros beetle, kabutomushi. Amazing to look at when adults, easy to take care of, and common these beetles easily made their homes in the hearts of Japan’s kids (and many adults). Taxonomy and Evolution Normally I likeContinue reading “Zoopedia: Japanese rhinoceros beetle”

Zoopedia: Beluga sturgeon

The beluga sturgeon. Not only is it one of the rarest fish in the world but it is also one of the largest. These fish can live for a staggeringly long time which enables them to reach such large sizes. However, demand for their caviar has led to them being driven to near extinction, andContinue reading “Zoopedia: Beluga sturgeon”

Zoopedia: Mute Swan

An iconic bird in the rivers and lakes of the northern hemisphere this week we are looking at the mute swan. Although not actually mute, they are impressive birds and almost every swan in England and Wales are technically under the protection of the ruling monarch of the UK. Taxonomy and Evolution Mute swans, CygnusContinue reading “Zoopedia: Mute Swan”

Zoopedia: Eastern oyster

While often eaten these shelled animals are some of the most important aquatic animals in the Atlantic. Not only do eastern oysters clean the ocean they also provide home for countless animals, plants, and algae. However, humans have devastated their numbers although conservation efforts have been implemented in vital areas to help them make aContinue reading “Zoopedia: Eastern oyster”

Zoopedia: American Alligator

The most famous resident of the bayou this week we’re looking at the American alligator. Larger, vocal, and armoured they have become synonymous with the southeast of the United States with them being the state reptile for Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Taxonomy and Evolution The American alligator has the scientific name Alligator mississippiensis and isContinue reading “Zoopedia: American Alligator”

Zoopedia: American bison

Once roaming the plains of North America in the millions and are the largest terrestrial animals on the continent, this week we’re looking at the American bison. The bison are the icons of how a species came be driven so close to extinction, but rapid conservation projects saved them from the brink. Taxonomy and EvolutionContinue reading “Zoopedia: American bison”

Zoopedia: Betta/Siamese Fighting Fish

Certainly one of the prettiest fish around this week we are looking at the famous Siamese fighting fish, or commonly known as the betta. Bred for both its brilliant colours and its aggression humans have been keeping bettas for hundreds of years, perhaps for about 1,000 years. Taxonomy and Evolution Bettas have the scientific nameContinue reading “Zoopedia: Betta/Siamese Fighting Fish”

Zoopedia: Malaysian Giant Leaf Insect

One of the most common ways to deter predators in the natural world is that of mimicry – where an organism evolves to resemble something else that might stop an animal from eating it. Very few have taken it to the extreme that the Malaysian giant leaf insect has done which looks so much likeContinue reading “Zoopedia: Malaysian Giant Leaf Insect”

Zoopedia: Bali myna

Coming from the island of Bali, Indonesia this week we’re looking at the incredibly endangered Bali myna. These incredibly pretty birds have been intensively exploited for the pet trade which has decimated their numbers leaving their future in the wild hanging in the balance. Taxonomy and Evolution The Bali myna, Leucopsar rothschildi, is the onlyContinue reading “Zoopedia: Bali myna”

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