Zoopedia: Arabian fat-tailed scorpion

Today’s post was inspired by my friend sending me photos of this scorpion that he found while visiting family in Lebanon, (pictured above). One of the many scorpions found in the deserts of the Middle East the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion also happens to be one of the most venemous scorpions on the planet. Taxonomy andContinue reading “Zoopedia: Arabian fat-tailed scorpion”

Zoopedia: Cheetahs

August 8 is apparently International Cat Day, so I thought this week’s Zoopedia would have to be on a cat, and what better cat than the world’s fastest runner: the cheetah. One of the most iconic cats in the world that does not belong to the genus Panthera, they are sadly at a strong riskContinue reading “Zoopedia: Cheetahs”

Zoopedia: Great white shark

We are now in Shark Week 2023 and to mark this event we are looking at one of the most iconic sharks of all natural history: the great white. One of my favourite animals and the villain of so many Hollywood movies, the great white is a far more complex creature than depicted on theContinue reading “Zoopedia: Great white shark”

Zoopedia: California Sea Lion

One of the most intelligent and friendly animals found off of the coast of the United States we are looking at the California sea lion. Often when you hear the sounds of seals in the media in reality those ‘barks’ belong to California sea lions. Despite their often friendly demeanor, California sea lions are someContinue reading “Zoopedia: California Sea Lion”

Zoopedia: Green sea turtle

The second largest species of turtle and one of the most graceful marine creatures today we’re looking at the green sea turtle. A cultural icon across the world the green sea turtle is sadly incredibly endangered, and could potentially face extinction within our lifetime. Evolution and Taxonomy There is some controversy about how many speciesContinue reading “Zoopedia: Green sea turtle”

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