Zoopedia: Golden mantella

To start of 2024 we’re looking at a small but dangerous frog – the golden mantella. A tiny frog with toxins in its skin the golden mantella is a beautiful amphibian but one that is also incredibly threatened by human activities. Taxonomy and Evolution Golden mantellas have the scientific name Mantella aurantiaca, literally Latin forContinue reading “Zoopedia: Golden mantella”

Zoopedia: Aye-Aye

Welcome back to 2023’s Month of Horror and this week’s Zoopedia which simultaneously looks demonic and cute: the aye-aye. In its native Madagascar it is sometimes seen as a harbinger of death, but this is far from the actual biology of this strange primate. Taxonomy and Evolution Despite its appearance the aye-aye is one ofContinue reading “Zoopedia: Aye-Aye”

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