The Tale of Ötzi the Iceman

On September 19 1991 two German tourists were mountain climbing 3,210 metres high in the Ötzal Alps, along the Austrian-Italian border. There they were horrified to find a body, and grimly realised that this must be the corpse of a recently vanished mountaineer. After a few days, mostly due to bad weather, the corpse wasContinue reading “The Tale of Ötzi the Iceman”

Paleo Profiles: Chalicotherium

There are many odd and diverse looking extinct mammals out there, and one is the Chalicotherium. A relative of horses, rhinos, and tapirs, they resembled a strange mix of ground sloths, horses, and gorillas which walked on their knuckles. Despite the chalicotheres looking so strange they were incredibly successful – from 46.2 million years agoContinue reading “Paleo Profiles: Chalicotherium”

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