Comics Explained: Killer Frost

There are several iconic female supervillains and one of those, or I should say three of those, goes under the title of Killer Frost. Three separate characters have gone under that title and we will be looking at all three today. Several DC villains have ice powers, but Killer Frost is one of the fewContinue reading “Comics Explained: Killer Frost”

Comics Explained: Captain America

One of Marvel’s first superheroes, dating back to when they went under the name Timely Comics, this week we’re looking at Captain America. While not as iconic as Batman or Superman, Captain America has been one of Marvel’s central heroes and serves as the moral centre of the Marvel universe. Despite his name Captain AmericaContinue reading “Comics Explained: Captain America”

Comics Explained: Rocket Raccoon

Since James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy several of Marvel’s C-list characters became some of best known comic characters, one of which was the foul-mouthed and violent Rocket Raccoon. The newest movie revolves a lot around Rocket, and to be honest does his origins better, so it makes sense to look at Rocket today. CreationContinue reading “Comics Explained: Rocket Raccoon”

Comics Explained: Superman

His whole planet was destroyed. He’s the last of a holocaust. He grew up in the dirt. Finding out slowly how different he was. A stranger discovering every day how strange he was. He has the power to tear the world apart. And he could. With a pinkie. It’s not his world. We’re not hisContinue reading “Comics Explained: Superman”

Comics Explained: Storm

In the US it is Black History Month, so I thought it would be a good idea to cover one of the most important black characters in comic history: Storm of the X-Men. While not the first black character, beaten to that honour by Black Panther, Blade, Luke Cage, Falcon, and Misty Knight. However, Storm’sContinue reading “Comics Explained: Storm”

Comics Explained: Captain Cold

When I am writing this it is very cold where I am living, so I’m going to write about one of DC’s cold-based villains, literally called Captain Cold. This villain is the head of the Flash’s Rogues and is one of his most formidable foes – at least one that isn’t a literal giant psychicContinue reading “Comics Explained: Captain Cold”

Godzilla in Comics and Manga

It’s the final week of 2022’s Dinovember so we’re looking at cinema’s favourite dinosaur-monster: Godzilla. It is not surprising that Godzilla has made his way into the panels of comics, and this has led Godzilla to face off against everyone from the Greek gods to the Avengers. Today, we’ll be having a quick look overContinue reading “Godzilla in Comics and Manga”

Comics Explained: The Court of Owls

Beware The Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadow perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they’ll send The Talon for your head. In Gotham City there was a mystery that even the famed BatmanContinue reading “Comics Explained: The Court of Owls”

Comics Explained: She-Hulk

I have been meaning of talking about She-Hulk for a long time, so now it’s finally time to do a blog post about her. Although cynically created in 1980 so Marvel could have the copyright for a female Hulk, she has since received her own identity and fanbase. Superhero and super-lawyer She-Hulk has made herContinue reading “Comics Explained: She-Hulk”

Comics Explained: Reverse Flash

I haven’t managed to talk much about the Flash much, so let’s talk about one of his most infamous villains: the Reverse Flash. There have been several versions of the Reverse Flash, but today we’re looking at the main one – Eobard Thawne. Sometimes called Professor Zoom, he was not a major villain for theContinue reading “Comics Explained: Reverse Flash”

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