Zoopedia: Krill

One of the backbones of the ocean ecosystem is an order of crustacean called the krill. Often the size of a paperclip or smaller, they help break down carbon absorbed by phytoplankton and then become the prey for larger animals. Two families make up krill, which comprises of eleven genera and a staggering 85 species!Continue reading “Zoopedia: Krill”

Zoopedia: Bonobo

It’s the last day of Pride Month 2022, and I thought it would be nice to look at one of our closest relatives: the bonobo. Sometimes referred to as the pygmy chimpanzee, the bonobo is such an interesting ape. Linking to Pride Month is this aspect of them, it seems that bonobos are entirely bisexualContinue reading “Zoopedia: Bonobo”

Zoopedia: Chinstrap Penguin

It’s Pride Month as of writing, so we’re still looking at animals exhibiting behaviour which we would class as LGBTQ+ if exhibited in humans on Zoopedia. This week’s post is special because of a pair of chinstrap penguins called Roy and Silo. In 1998 these two penguins in Central Park Zoo, New York, began doingContinue reading “Zoopedia: Chinstrap Penguin”

Zoopedia: Intro and Sheephead wrasse

Above: A California sheephead For a while I have been wanting to a little mid-week post when I have the free time, and inspired by the channel Ben G Thomas and their ‘Animal of the Week’ I thought I might go down the same route. I love zoology, but am very much am a amateur,Continue reading “Zoopedia: Intro and Sheephead wrasse”

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