2017 and History

Another year has passed, 2017 has come to a close, and we wait to see what 2018 holds. 2017, however, has seen the anniversaries of several important historical events, and many other events which can be explained through history. For 2017’s final blog post I thought it would be a good opportunity to look atContinue reading “2017 and History”

Who is Robert Mugabe?

Robert Mugabe One of the news stories to dominate the recent headlines is the coup in Zimbabwe which has forced the resignation of Robert Mugabe who has been in power since 1980. Mugabe’s rule has been accompanied by ethnic violence, human rights abuses, censorship of opposition, and economic turmoil, but people have been wondering whyContinue reading “Who is Robert Mugabe?”

World History: Great Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe from above Around 30 km away from the town of Masvingo in Zimbabwe lies a large stone ruin. This magnificent monument first appeared in European records at the start of the sixteenth-century. In 1506 Portuguese explorer Diogo de Alcáçova described the monument in a letter to the Portuguese king that the ruins wereContinue reading “World History: Great Zimbabwe”

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