The Making of Today: The 1757 Battle of Delhi, and the Afghan war for northern India, July-September 1757

Last time we looked at the Battle of Plassey where the Bengali nawab Siraj-au-daula viewed the British as a distraction from events further west. With hindsight we know that the Battle of Plassey was the first step towards British domination of the subcontinent, but for contemporaries the Afghan based Durrani Empire seemed to be theContinue reading “The Making of Today: The 1757 Battle of Delhi, and the Afghan war for northern India, July-September 1757”

World History: Seven Years’ War

A depiction of the Battle of Warburg, 1760 The Seven Years’ War was a key war in shaping the world in which we live in today. For one, it has been seen as the first truly world war – Winston Churchill’s A History of the English Speaking Peoples goes as far as to call itContinue reading “World History: Seven Years’ War”

World History: The Mughals

Today we are looking at the last of the so-called ‘Gunpowder Empires’: the Mughals. The Mughals are perhaps one of the most influential of India’s empires with many aspects and images of India which the West has originating from the Mughal Empire. Since the 1990s India’s Hindu right has been on the rise, currently theContinue reading “World History: The Mughals”

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