The Making of Today: The Battle of Vijaydurg and Power in the Indian Ocean, January-March 1756

At the start of 1756 the Maratha navy was destroyed at the fort of Vijaydurg by the British East India Company, and the Marathas themselves. The Sarkhel, or Grand Admiral, of the Marathas, Tulaji Angre, had been rebelling so the peshwa, prime minister, allied with an enemy to take down the Sarkhel. This was aContinue reading “The Making of Today: The Battle of Vijaydurg and Power in the Indian Ocean, January-March 1756”

World History: Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Trades

Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean One thing in history which is often overlooked is the importance of trade. Trade brought cultures together, spread ideas, and even shaped governments. Today we shall be looking at two key centers of trade: the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. These two bodies of water are very similar but simultaneouslyContinue reading “World History: Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Trades”

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