2019 and History

Another year comes to a close, and not only is there a new year on the horizon, but also a new decade. 2019 has seen many anniversaries and events which have parallels in history, so we’ll be discussing some of them today. As always, I’m more of a modern historian so I will be gearingContinue reading “2019 and History”

2017 and History

Another year has passed, 2017 has come to a close, and we wait to see what 2018 holds. 2017, however, has seen the anniversaries of several important historical events, and many other events which can be explained through history. For 2017’s final blog post I thought it would be a good opportunity to look atContinue reading “2017 and History”

When Presidents Lost the Popular Vote but won the Electoral College vote (and other peculiarities with the College)

2016’s Electoral College result While I am writing this it has been just over a week since the controversial election of Donald Trump. A big part of this controversy centers around the fact that more people voted for Hillary Clinton than Trump, but thanks to the Electoral College Trump will now be president. As ofContinue reading “When Presidents Lost the Popular Vote but won the Electoral College vote (and other peculiarities with the College)”

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