World History: Colonialism and Imperialism

One of the most influential aspect of history which shaped the present day was the rise of European, and later American and Japanese, empires in Africa and Asia. We briefly looked at colonialism when we discussed Britain in India and the rise of modern capitalism, but today, we will look at this in greater detail – especially theContinue reading “World History: Colonialism and Imperialism”

World History: Britain in India

The last time that we looked at India Britain had managed to edge out its European competitors thanks to victory in the Seven Years’ War. This post will look at British rule in India from the end of the Seven Years’ War in 1765 until the start of the twentieth century – a period marked byContinue reading “World History: Britain in India”

History in Focus: The Partition of India

Muslim Refugees Fleeing India As of writing this week has seen the 70th anniversary of the Partition of the British Raj forming the new states of India and Pakistan. The Partition is the single most important event in the modern history of the Indian subcontinent which still continues to greatly shape the lives of thoseContinue reading “History in Focus: The Partition of India”

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