The Making of Today: Introduction and the World in 1750

Welcome to the first post for The Making of Today! I specialise in Modern and Contemporary history, so I have wanting for a while to cover world history over this period in the same vein of the great YouTube channels The Great War, Timeghost History, and World War Two. Here we’ll cover the society, economy,Continue reading “The Making of Today: Introduction and the World in 1750”

World History: Decolonisation

Two overarching themes characterised post-war twentieth century: the Cold War and decolonisation. These two events deeply intersected, so it is almost impossible to separate them. Today we’re looking at the process of decolonisation, and the emergence of post-colonial states with all the difficulties which comes with it. Across Africa, Asia, and the Americas new movementsContinue reading “World History: Decolonisation”

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