Marvel Civil War: The sides explained

This week the first trailer for Captain America: Civil War was released for the public. Following the events of Avengers 2 the Sokovia Accords issued by the UN are making superheroes and superpowered beings become accountable to a governing body. This causes a divide in the superhero community leading to a civil war. The Civil War storyContinue reading “Marvel Civil War: The sides explained”

Comics Explained: Jessica Jones

On the 20th November Marvel’s Jessica Jones will be getting her own series on Netflix. Jessica Jones since her debut in Alias #1 in 2001 has quickly become a major player in the Marvel Universe. From Marvel’s darker MAX imprint to starring in the mainstream New Avengers publication Jessica Jones is now a key characterContinue reading “Comics Explained: Jessica Jones”

Top 5 Batman villains

Today is Batman Day where DC comics celebrates its most famous hero: The Dark Knight. Since his debut in 1939 Batman has amassed a sizable gallery of villains that can only be surpassed by possibly Superman (also DC comics) and Spider-Man (of Marvel). Today I will be going through my personal five favorite Batman villains.Continue reading “Top 5 Batman villains”

Comics Explained: Deadpool

Last week the trailer for the new X-Men spin-off Deadpool starring Ryan Reynolds as the titular character was released. Since his debut in 1991 he has remained a fan favorite from comic book enthusiasts for his dark sense of humor and him repeatedly breaking the fourth wall, Deadpool is fully aware that he is inContinue reading “Comics Explained: Deadpool”

Comics Explained: The Joker

 The Joker is one of Batman’s most memorable villain. He could even be one of the most famous comic book villains along side Lex Luthor from the Superman comics or the Green Goblin from the Spider-Man comics. Since his debut in Batman #1 in 1940 he has remained one of the greatest fictional villains andContinue reading “Comics Explained: The Joker”

Comics Explained: Suicide Squad

At Comic Con this year the trailer for the Suicide Squad movie was released. This is a film about a taskforce made out of supervillains who are forced to do good in a chance for parole. The Suicide Squad is one of the major organizations from the DC comics universe and has had an interestingContinue reading “Comics Explained: Suicide Squad”

Comics Explained: Daredevil

Today marks the first episode of the new Netflix series based on Marvel’s Daredevil. Daredevil remains one of Marvel’s main heroes along with Wolverine, Spider-Man and Captain America and in the early 2000s even had his own movie staring Ben Affleck as the titular hero, (quite a few years before Iron Man got his ownContinue reading “Comics Explained: Daredevil”

Comics Explained: Marvel Civil War

The Marvel cinematic universe has announced that Captain America 3 will focus on the Civil War storyline from 2006 but more importantly Spider-Man could be in it! Besides that the Civil War storyline was a major event in the Marvel universe with it being one of the major crossover events in the 2000s with WorldContinue reading “Comics Explained: Marvel Civil War”

Comics Explained: Ant Man

The trailer for Marvel’s new film Ant Man was released recently so exactly who is the titular character? Marvel has said that Scott Lang is the titular character and that Dr Henry Pym was the previous Ant Man who is passing along the Ant Man persona to a new generation. Although both Lang and PymContinue reading “Comics Explained: Ant Man”

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